About Us
Crossroads would like to be your first, trusted option when facing a pregnancy decision.
Our Mission
Crossroads Pregnancy Center offers help, hope, and healing by providing education, medical services, practical assistance, and ongoing support.
Crossroads opened its doors to the community on March 19, 1985 and now spans four counties; Mifflin, Juniata, Blair, and Huntingdon. Our staff and volunteers have come from all walks of life, some having dealt with the consequences of a tough pregnancy decision.
Who We Serve
We believe that no woman should feel unsupported. Our compassionate staff is here for those facing pregnancy decisions, as well as helping those who choose to parent to find the assistance and referrals they need.
Crossroads Pregnancy Center is committed to providing individuals with everything they need to make an informed choice. We believe women and men have a right to get accurate information from a resource that will not profit from the choices they make. All of our services are no-cost and confidential.