Easy Activities For Kids Stuck At Home.
Maybe you feel lots of pressure now that your kids are at home and missing school. We hope that you can take a deep breath and give yourself some grace. Because we are not all cut out for homeschooling but we can help give our kids activities from simple everyday things we have that will stimulate their minds and hopefully keep them busy for a while.
Know that we are available through texting or we can schedule a call with you if you feel like you need someone to talk to for encouragement. TEXT us at 814-408-5272
Both Zoo America and the Cincinnati Zoo are closed to visitors but have been doing a daily Facebook live stream to show off their animals and interact with students. The Cincinnati Zoo’s website also has a home safari page with great videos and daily educational activities. Their FB live is 3pm every day, while Zoo America is at 11am.
The Mama Notes has a great list of activity ideas on her blog.
Ruby Bratcher is a mom of 5, who homeschools. She is sharing easy craft ideas on her instagram and blog.