Easy to get along with and accepting. Nice to talk to—comfortable.
Pregnancy Tests
If you take a pregnancy test early, there may not be enough hCG present and you may get a false negative. Try to wait at least one day after the first day of your missed period.
Limited Ultrasound
A fetal ultrasound is a procedure done during pregnancy that reveals an image of the pregnancy in the uterus. It’s a safe way to check the health of a potential pregnancy. The ultrasound may be done either on the woman or patient's abdomen (trans-abdominal) or in the vagina (trans-vaginal).

Material Resources
Whether you want to learn more about your pregnancy or need help preparing for parenting, Crossroads offers material support when you attend our no-cost prenatal and parenting classes. We want to help you find the materials you need to feel supported and equipped for this season.
Pregnancy Tests
If you take a pregnancy test early, there may not be enough hCG present and you may get a false negative. Try to wait at least one day after the first day of your missed period.
Limited Ultrasound
A fetal ultrasound is a procedure done during pregnancy that reveals an image of the pregnancy in the uterus. It’s a safe way to check the health of a potential pregnancy. The ultrasound may be done either on the woman or patient's abdomen (trans-abdominal) or in the vagina (trans-vaginal).

Material Resources
Whether you want to learn more about your pregnancy or need help preparing for parenting, Crossroads offers material support when you attend our no-cost prenatal and parenting classes. We want to help you find the materials you need to feel supported and equipped for this season.